Woo, it was nutty alright!
I think the song would have had a smoother sounding transition from the intro to the first verse if you used the same drums samples to stutter in the front as you used as part of your main beat, get what I'm saying?
The main beat was very cliche sounding, it's like "we've all been there and heard that one before." Even the samples themselves sounded unusually familiar, it's not that damn Winstons' amen loop sliced with some FX put on top, is it? Technically speaking there isn't anything wrong with that, but if you listen to a DNB station you start to get really tired of that loop, and really fast.
Where's the bass man? Your description says you used a low 808 bass, and granted my laptop speakers can't handle low frequencies very well, I still barely heard anything of it. I think beefing up the bass would make this song a lot more enjoyable to listen to.
Mixing and sound quality are good, but then again when you only have drums, a barely audible bass, and some effects going here and there it isn't very hard to mix a track. I still want to hear a louder bass, or keep the bass as low as it is and let it work as a sub, then add another bass to your song to work as the lead, now that'd be really awesome.
Drum variety and effects work together nicely and really keep the piece going. I'm writing this review while listening to your song over a couple of times and it passes quite quickly for a song that's almost 5 minutes in length. It's true that sometimes your drums get really nutty, but it ain't so bad, it's not like it's completely incoherent or anything. I wouldn't take points off for it, is basically what I'm trying to say.
In conclusion, the song is pretty good, the only and major reason I'm not giving you a 10 out of 10 is because there is no lead bass line, and that's it really.